Sunday Sermons
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Latest Sermons
January 5th, 2025
In today's sermon, Pastor Sean Yost preaches on the meaning and purpose of Epiphany. In Matthew 6:31-33 it says to offer our lives and seek first the Kingdom of God. To conclude his message, Pastor asks how we are responding to God's revelation in our lives? Are we...
December 29th, 2024
During today's message, Pastor Sean Yost preaches on finding Jesus and teaches the importance of seeking Jesus and aligning with his will. He read from 2 Peter 1:5-7 which tells us to make every effort to supplement our faith with knowledge. Are there any areas of...
December 22nd, 2024
In the fourth week of our Advent series: Waiting for the Messiah, Austin McCraw teaches on waiting with expectation. God always fulfills His promises, and there is nothing he cannot do. He discusses that humility is the only prerequisite for the favor of God;...