April 5, 2020
Today, we remember Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem and celebrate the start to Holy Week.
Matthew 21:1-10: The Lamb was selected, the Lamb was shared, the Lamb was perfect and the Lamb was slain.
December 22nd, 2024
In the fourth week of our Advent series: Waiting for the Messiah, Austin McCraw teaches on waiting with expectation. God always fulfills His promises, and there is nothing he cannot do. He discusses that humility is the only prerequisite for the favor of God;...
December 15th, 2024
In the third week of our Advent series: Waiting for the Messiah, Pastor Sean Yost preaches on the importance of waiting with trust. Pastor speaks on the importance of asking God for strength to persevere through seasons of trial and waiting. Our perseverance is not in...
December 8th, 2024
In today's service, Pastor Sean continued our second week of Advent series, Waiting on the Messiah with a message titled; Waiting with Purpose. Pastor Sean talks about how in the waiting for Messiah we have a purpose. We need to clear the way and make room for the...