THE BOOK OF 1 SAMUEL—Week 10 Crisis 10: Delayed Promises (1 Sam. 16-26; focus 1 Sam. 23:14-29) There is great comfort in the promises of God. When we are discouraged, they buoy our spirits. When we are fearful or questioning of our calling, God’s promises strengthen...
THE BOOK OF 1 SAMUEL—Week 9 Crisis 9: Injustice (1 Sam. 18-26; focus on Chapter 24) As men and women created in the image of God, we are imbued with many of the attributes of our Creator, even in our fallen state. Our ability to love, to imagine, to create, even our...
THE BOOK OF 1 SAMUEL—Week 8 Crisis 8: Overwhelming Challenges to Faith (1 Sam. 17) According to a November 14, 2022, research briefing for the British Parliament, there were 360 million Christians worldwide who experienced “high levels of persecution and...
THE BOOK OF 1 SAMUEL—Week 7 Crisis 7: Pride and Self-Sufficiency (1 Sam. 13-15) Saul started off so well. He had everything going for him. He came from a well-to-do family. He was good-looking. He was physically imposing, standing head and shoulders taller than...
THE BOOK OF 1 SAMUEL—Week 6 Crisis 6: Big Life Transitions (1 Sam. 12) Things in life change. There’s no getting around it. Transitions are an integral part of the human experience. Sometimes these transitions are expected, and we can plan for them, such as with...