LIVING LIKE JESUS: The Gospel of Luke—Week 6 Luke 9:46-48; 14:7-14; 22:24-27 We are in our second week examining the next of Jesus’ spiritual practices: humility. As we know from Philippians 2:1-11, Jesus is the very epitome of humility. Last week we explored the...
LIVING LIKE JESUS: The Gospel of Luke—Week 5 Luke 7:1-10 This week we are beginning our examination of the next of Jesus’ spiritual practices: humility. As we know from Philippians 2:1-11, Jesus is the very epitome of humility. Yet, humility is a spiritual...
LIVING LIKE JESUS: The Gospel of Luke—Week 4 Luke 18:18-30; 19:1-10; 21:1-4 With this week’s passages, we are wrapping up our 4-week review of the first of Jesus’ spiritual practices: simplicity. While some equate the concept of simplicity with self-denial, I think...
LIVING LIKE JESUS: The Gospel of Luke—Week 3 Luke 14:25-33; 16:1-9, 19-31 This week’s passages are difficult to say the least. There are difficulties in interpretation, and there are difficulties in application. For example, in our first passage Jesus states that...
LIVING LIKE JESUS: The Gospel of Luke—Week 2 Luke 12:13-34 One of the chief hallmarks of our sin nature is selfishness. We are preoccupied with ourselves and our desires, and that attitude is on full display in this week’s passage. Jesus is right in the middle of...