by Redeemer | Sep 24, 2020 | Blog, Lifegroups
The Preeminence of Christ in Creation: Col. 1:15-17 One of the heresies that plagued the early Church was Gnosticism, which was rooted in the Greek philosophy of asceticism. Though there were many facets to Gnosticism and asceticism, one of the key elements was the...
by Redeemer | Sep 10, 2020 | Blog, Lifegroups
The Preeminence of Christ in the Gospel and Redemption: Col. 1:1-14 For the next 10 weeks, we will be walking through the book of Colossians. This short epistle, written by the Apostle Paul, is all about the preeminence of Christ. Though Paul was not personally...
by Redeemer | Sep 3, 2020 | Blog, Lifegroups
COLOSSIANS—INTRODUCTION Starting next week, we will begin a 10-week study of the book of Colossians. Through this study, we will be exploring the preeminence of Jesus Christ and how that preeminence (supremacy in all things) impacts both how we live our lives and our...