by Daniel Burton | Sep 24, 2017 | Blog, Lifegroups
You would expect that by this time, Moses would not revert back to the excuses he had already given to God. Sadly, you would be wrong. Having heard from God directly, having encountered Him miraculously, Moses reverted to the same excuses that he had given before. ...
by Daniel Burton | Sep 17, 2017 | Blog, Lifegroups
In Exodus 5 we have the first show down between Moses and Pharaoh. In coming to Pharaoh, Moses came with the authority of the one true God to challenge a man who viewed himself as a god. There is almost this sense that you would hope Pharaoh would relent to the...
by Daniel Burton | Sep 10, 2017 | Blog, Lifegroups
At the end of Genesis, things are looking fairly good for the Israelites. While they may not be in their home land, the hand of provision is upon them and God has provided for them and blessed them during a severe famine. Through Joseph’s obedience to God and a...